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Lecturing and research

I am currently Senior Lecturer in Dance Science at Middlesex University teaching dance science content across the undergraduate dance programme. In addition I am also a freelance researcher working with dance companies and organisations to investigate applied practice.


I have also provided guest lectures and workshops on dance and circus courses across the UK including Roehampton University, Bath Spa University, Anglia Ruskin University, Queen Mary's University London, Kingston University, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, National Centre for Circus Arts, All or Nothing Aerial Dance Theatre in collaboration with One Dance UK, UCL and UK CAT programmes. 


If you are interested in a lecture or workshop at your company or organisation or collaborating on a research project please get in touch on 




SciDance: Strength Training with Claire Farmer


Science in Dance: Upper Body Strength and expanding your skills with Claire Farmer


Publications (Orcid ID


Farmer, C and Kindred, H (Eds). 2024. The 'Female' Dancer: a soma-scientific approach, Routledge Taylor and Francis, UK


Farmer, C., De'Ath, S., & Brouner, J. 2023. Strength Training Perceptions Amongst Vocational Circus and Dance Students. Journal of dance medicine & science, Advance online publication.


Boardman, R., Balfour, A., Farmer, C., Hopkins, S., Stamp. K. 2023. Social value of movement and dance. Technical Report. Sport and Recreation Alliance


Farmer, C, Laws, Helen, Eldon, Stella and Maliphant, Russell. 2022. Relationships between dance, health and aesthetic performance in a company of mature dancers: an exploratory study. Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices . 14(2), 197-216, 


Farmer, C & Rogan, K .2022. Mental Well-being and Sleep Hygiene in Undergraduate Dance Students during the Coronavirus Pandemic: An Exploratory Analysis, Journal of Dance Education, 


Farmer, C., & Brouner, J. .2021. Perceptions of Strength Training in Dance. Journal of dance medicine & science : official publication of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science, 25(3), 160–168. 


Farmer, C .2019. Dance Well 3 year evaluation project report. Akademi South Asian Dance UK


Farmer, C .2017. Dance Well: Autonomy in movement. Animate Magazine, Summer edition


De-Jorge Chopra, S & Farmer C .2017. Fitness: What does it have to do with Performance in South Asian Dance forms? Pulse: Asian Music and Dance


Conference presentations:


Farmer, C and Brouner J. 2022. Frequency of upper body muscular actions in ballet and contemporary dance performance. International Association for Dance Medicine and Science annual meeting, Limerick, Ireland


Laws, C; Farmer, C; Eldon, S and Maliphant, R. 2022. Impact of choreographic approach on health and performance aesthetics in a company of mature dancers. International Association for Dance Medicine and Science annual meeting, Limerick, Ireland


Rogan, K and Farmer C. The Dance Fitness Indicator© (DFI): a practical workshop. 2022 International Association for Dance Medicine and Science annual meeting, Limerick, Ireland


Farmer, C. Sulemanji, S. and Navare, J. 2022. Women Walking: An exploration of space, place and female empowerment, Women Walking: Histories, Movement and Mobilities - The Cultural Capital Exchange, Online


Farmer, C & Brouner J .2021. Prevalence of Strength Training for Student and Professional Dancers: Denver Live: International Association for Dance Medicine and Science annual conference (online)


Farmer, C & Brouner J .2020. Perceptions of Strength Training in Dance, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries - Winter Research Conference, Middlesex University, London


Farmer, C .2018. Dance Well: South Asian dance with cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation outpatients. National Arts in Health Conference and Showcase, Milton Court, London


Farmer, C & Kumar, A .2018. Dance in Hospitals, Engage: A social prescription, Whitworth Gallery, Manchester



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